Tuesday, September 27, 2011

May 13, 2011 "Will You Teach Me?"

So, I’m never much into band or chorus. Tonight was our spring concert, which marked the last time I would ever sing in chorus or play in band. Exciting? Nah, not really.
Well, our girls’ chorus sang two songs. One of which I loved, one of which I hated. Well, obviously, I’m not the only one that hated it. Our sound was pretty flat and unemotional. Our teacher stopped us and asked us to think about the words we were singing. We kind of walked through the lyrics and I realized just how beautiful the song was.
The name of the song is “Will You Teach Me?” The song talks about things you need to learn in life to succeed, especially as women. Though a few of the lines are cut out, this is the song. I hope it touches you.
Will you teach me how to sail through space upon a comet’s tail ?
Will you teach me how to fly; to sail the skies on wings untried?
Will you teach me hoe to soar; to see things never seen before?
But most importantly of all,
Will you teach me how to fall ?
Will you teach me how to cry, to release those feelings deep inside.
Will you teach me how to laugh, and travel off the beaten path ?
Will you teach me how to love, love with love that comes from God above?
Will you teach me how to sing; how to sing through all the sorrows life may bring?
Will you teach me how to dream; to face the future sight unseen?
Will you teach me how to be the only thing I can be? Me.

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