Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jesus 2011: Matthew 1

Derived from Matthew 1.
Ever try reading the bible before? Do you fall asleep? Get bored?! Well we've got the solution! Your good friends, Haley and Steph, have gladly paraphrased a more interesting version for you! Picture this: Jesus, growin up like you and me! Living on the streets, in the ghetto, living the hard life!
Jesus: 2011.
Jesus had some roots. Ya know, they went like way back. Abraham was his like great-great-great-great-super great-grandpah, and then there was David, then way later, along came Jesus.
Back it up, yo. Jesus's Ma, Mary was totally trippin' for her main man, Joe. They were trippin so hard, they were planning the trip down the isle! Mary was a good girl, holding her v-card securely. But before they made it facebook official, Mary's eggo became prego. That's one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet. Joeseph was not a happy camper, and decided to kick her to the curb before anyone found about about her little situation. Before he got that far, God's own Fed-Ex Messenger promptly arrived with a message. He spat out this lovely beat, "Jo-Dawg! Chillax! You gotta marry Mary! That bun in that oven is from the Holy Spirit! She's poppin out a baby and namin him Jesus, meanin' Savior of the Sins! Say it with  me! Jesus! Are you stupid?! Don't ya 'member that prophet said, 'A hottie with the v-card gonna pop out a son who she's gonna call IMMANUEL!' After Mr. Fed-Ex left, he punched up Mary's digits and told her that there's gonna be a weddin'! They got married, but never 'bumped and grinded', 'did the nasty', 'put the hot dog in the bun', 'churned butter', 'did the hanky-panky', 'stuffed the taco', (if ya catch what I'm throwin down) until that bun was done! They named him "Jesus".
Now we're done with chapter one!
--> And that's the truth, yo! Yeeeeaaahhh!
Don't worry ya'll! There's more to come!

August 15, 2011 "So...What Happened?"

"So... what happened?" Well, my dad was in a motorcycle accident on Sunday, July 31, 2011.
"So... what happened?" Well, I'll start from the beginning. I had been feeling sick. Sick, in the summer? I know, it was a total bummer. (That almost rhymed..) I couldn't sleep Saturday night, so of course, when my alarm went off on Sunday morning for church, I wasn't to quick to hop out of bed. I decided that for my health, I had better stay home. No, it was not just to skip church.I LOVE church. I was quite disappointed that I couldn't attend.
I rolled out of bed around 11 or noon, and was put to work. Mom needed help on some research for the new website for the business. I offered my services in exchange for a cup of soup and some green tea for my throat. A few hours into the research, Mom got a phone call. For the first whole minute it seemed like, nothing but gut wrenching gasps broke away from her ghostly presence. At the first millisecond of the first gasp, my fingers went numb. I knew that something was very wrong. "Mom... what happened?" It was less of a question of more of a command. I needed to know whatever was happening. Her voice quivered over the phone.. "So... what happened? Is he okay? Where are you? Did you call someone? Should I come? .....sure." I had only clues of what was happening on the other side of this phone call. She was doing a good job of holding in the tears, but after the word, "...sure" fell from her lips, the tears simultaneously fell. She whispered into the phone.. "You're in a lot of pain, aren't you?" After exchanging a few more words, she hung up. To her surprise, I was no longer in the room. I ran back into the living room with a poorly packed over night bag and said two words. "Let's go."
I still didn't know what happened, but I knew I had to go. Mom stood still. "Dad hit a deer with the motorcycle." Nothing about me changed. I was not crying. I did not move. I spoke the same two words. "Lets. Go." Mom was almost offended. I didn't want to cry until I knew something was wrong. I was in shock, and I wanted to go. I slowed down a second and looked into her eyes. I stepped forward and gave Mom a big hug, and we cried on each others shoulders.
Having my bag already packed, I was more than ready to go. Mom sent me to find my brother, who went out to eat with friends, and tell him the news. I found him outside the golf course lodge, and told him what I knew. Mom and I finally decided to take off and my brother was to stay home to take care of the dogs. We didn't know how long of an endeavor this would be.
Okay, okay. That's what happened. Well that's only my side of the story. You're wondering about the accident. "So...what happened?"
Dad was on his way to the black hills on his motorcycle to work at Sturgis Bike Rally. Mom and my brother were to head a few days later, and I about a week later. Instead of taking interstate, Dad took highway. Highway 14 to be specific. Usually a pretty desolate highway, not too much traffic. Note: Dad was driving about 70 mph, it was around 1:00 in the afternoon, and he had no helmet on. Anyways; out of the long weeds beside the road came a deer. No warning, no time for reaction: he wasn't there, and then he was. We believe that rather than Dad hitting the deer, the deer hit him. That little sucker came out of no where and forced his whole body into Dad's right leg. Dad claims he remembers seeing the deer and then next he remembers rolling/ &rolling/ &rolling/ &rolling. He rolled down the pavement and took off lots of skin on his arms, legs, and side. There was a car not far behind him that watched the whole thing. She was an EMT and stopped and knew what to do. The next car that came along was a nurse. Pause: Two blessings already. There were two cars that came along (hours could have easily gone by with no traffic) AND here was a NURSE and an EMT! Though he doesn't remember the actual contact of the crash, he was conscious the whole time. He could talk and communicate, and shows no sign of brain damage. Without a helmet?! Impossible! Look up Matthew 19:26. I don't know if Dad even knows how blessed he was that day.
He was between Pierre and Phillip and they didn't know which hospital to go to. They decided to take him to the Pierre hospital, but would have to wait over an hour for the ambulance. With the temperature of the day being between 90 and 100 and laying on the hot black asphalt, let alone the pain of the accident, he was very uncomfortable. Blessing: Sometime during the wait someone stopped with a tinker bell (ahahahaha!) baby blanket and held it over Dad to shield him from the sun. Blessing: Sometime during the wait some fishermen came by and took their buckets of ice and poured them around Dad's body to keep his temperature from rising too much. Finally the ambulance came and took him to Pierre. From Pierre they were going to fly him to Sioux Falls. How did we know all this you ask? No doctor ever called us. No nurse ever called us (besides the off duty one that found him on the road). Somehow, Dad managed to work his thumbs enough to text us. That's how we knew what was going on. So note to doctors or nurses: be in contact with your patient's family! Due to complications (some say there were no helicopters available, some say the doctors at Pierre wanted to spend hours cleaning all his wounds before they sent him to Sufu) they kept him at Pierre for about three hours after he arrived (estimated time: 7:00 pm). Then, they decided to drive him to Sioux Falls (about a four hour drive). All the while, he was experiencing a lot of pain.
Is that okay if I jump back to Mother and me? Okay thanks! Well we headed out to Pierre, then we heard they were flying him to Sufu, so we turned around in Huron and headed to Sioux Falls, where we heard that they were going to drive him. We had a LOT of time to kill. All the while, we were pretty much freaking out. Well, Mom was. Bouts of crying and distress, and who's to blame her?! I was making the calls. Calling the friends and family and business associates and warning them of the current situation. "So... what happened? When we got to Sioux Falls, we attempted to enjoy a patty melt and some hashbrowns (yes, we both ordered the same thing). Then we went to Lewis. Then we went to Starbucks (for meeee) and it rocked. I also got a free zucchini muffin! Yum! Then we waited at the hospital for a very long time. Around 10:30, I believe, is when the ambulance came and we got to see him. He had not a scratch on his face or anywhere on his head. His knuckles and elbows had little to no skin on them, along with parts of his arms, legs, and side. After waiting for the x-rays to be sent and after waiting for all the paper work to be filled out, and after we got Dad into a hospital room, Mother and I left the hospital at about 1:30 am. We stayed at my mom's brother's house nearby, and to our surprise, my little cousin (age 11?) was still awake and full of clever questions. His main concern, though, was if the deer had antlers.
"So... what happened?"
Through ups and downs and two weeks of the hospital, much progress has been made. Dad's digestive system was having trouble waking up from the trauma of the accident and the amount of pain killers. Through prayer, that problem is all cleared up. He had two surgeries, one to put an external fixator on his broken right leg. Then, for convenience only, since the skin on his knee healed in time (blessing!), the decided to take off the external fixator and put a rod in his bone. During surgery, they found that his knee was broken in two places, which they wouldn't have found out otherwise. Before, he could barely lift up a cup to drink out of it, but as I saw last, he is walking (well...hopping) almost 200 feet. He got moved from Avera in Sioux Falls to a swing bed in Madison, SD. His recovery will be long, but he WILL recover, and that's what matters. Thank you every who has supported us or visited us or sent us gifts, but especially, thank you to everyone who is praying for us. There is a long road ahead. So, now if anyone asks you, "So.... what happened?" You'll know exactly what to say! God Bless!

July 29, 2011 (Laugh a Little cont.)

THEY CUT ME OFF! Sorry - read the first one.. first. duh.

Second Best Joke in the World:
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep.

Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes” replies Watson.

And what do you deduce from that?

Watson ponders for a minute. “Well,

Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.
Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe.

But what does it tell you, Holmes?

Holmes is silent for a moment.

Watson, you idiot!” he says. “Someone has stolen our tent!

Top joke in the USA:

A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course. One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer.

His friend says: “Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man.

The man then replies: “Yeah, well we were married 35 years.”

Top Joke in Canada:

When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300°C.

The Russians used a pencil.

Top Joke in Ireland:

Two guys are sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult the other one. He screams, “I slept with your mother!” The bar gets quiet as everyone listens to see what the other weasel will do. The first again yells, “I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!

The other says, “Go home dad you’re drunk.”

Laugh? I hope so! Comment ;)

July 29, 2011 (Laugh a Little)

Need a little laugh? Because I sure do. After a day full of miscommunication, uneding phone calls, being put on hold, receiving wrong orders, downloads not downloading, etc., laughter is just what I need. While waiting for my purchase of Photoshop CS5 (YAY) for the SECOND time (BOO), I have decided to look up some jokes. So sit on down and laugh it up!

Dumb Criminal Jokes (true stories):

A guy in Great Falls, Montana had three outstanding warrants for his arrest. When he was stopped by the police for a traffic violation, he gave them a false name. The police ran a check and discovered that there was also a warrant out for the man with the false name. So they arrested the driver.
In doing a search, they discovered a half gram of methamphetamine in his pocket and charged him with criminal possession of a dangerous drug. During his arrest, he gave his real name, so they also charged him with issuing a false report to law enforcement.

The police were just doing their job. When someone called 911, then hung up, the police went to that location to see if there was a problem. It turns out that it was a motel where two drug dealers were staying in different rooms. One tried to call the other one in room 119, but dialed 911 by mistake.
A Wyoming man, who was suspected of stealing a bottle of Schnapps from the store, could have planned his escape a little better. He simply ran out of the store and into the nearest building which was the police station.
Apparently realizing where he was, he then ran out of the station. But a dispatcher saw him on the surveillance camera and alerted officers. He was caught nearby, quite drunk, and taken into custody. (They didn't have far to go.)

Responding to an alarm going off in a hockey rink, the police found an intoxicated man trying to operate the Zamboni. He had crashed it into a wall. He had also operated two fork lifts, damaging the walls, sprinkler system and hockey net.
He was charged with burglary, criminal mischief, violation of his bail conditions and drunk driving.

Blonde Jokes (hehe, being Brunette, I find these PARTICULARILY amusing):

There was this bar and in the bar there was a magic mirror.
If you told a lie it would suck you in.
One day a brunette walked into this bar. She walked up to the mirror and said 'I think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world' and it sucked her in.
The next day a redhead walked into the bar. She walked up to the mirror and said 'I think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world' and it sucked her in.
Then the next day a blond walked into the bar. She walked up to the mirror and said 'I think...' and it sucked her in.

Q: What do you call an eternity?
A: Four Blondes in four cars at a four way stop.

Q: Why do Blondes have TGIF written on their shoes?
A: Toes Go In First.

Q: What do SMART Blondes and UFOs have in common?
A: You always hear about them but never see them.

Q: Why do Blondes always smile during lightning storms?
A: They think their picture is being taken.

A blonde cop stops blonde motorist and asks for her driving license.
The Motorist scuffles around in her purse and can't find it. She says to the cop, "I must have left it at home officer."
The cop says, "Well, do you have any kind of identification?" The motorist scuffles around in her purse again, and finds a pocket mirror.
She looks at it and says to the cop, "All I have is this picture of myself." The cop says, "Let me see it, then." So the blonde motorist gives the mirror to the blonde cop, who looks at it, and replies, "Well, if I had known you were a police officer, I wouldn't have even pulled you over. You can go now."

According to Hertfordshire University (is that real?):

Best Joke in the World:

A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?

(read the next post)

July 23, 2011 "lesson(s) learned."

So, life has been... well I don't think that there is a word in the English language to describe it. Just, um, lots of changes and very difficult adjustments (some of which I'm fighting with all my might). And tonight, life taught me a little lesson that I'd like to share with you.. yes.. "you". Don't look around your shoulder, I'm talking to YOU.
Anyways, my family was on family vacation for about four days last week. The veterinarian in town told us that her son .. er ... nephew .. or someone was really good with dogs. So we had them watch the dogs for us. We have two dogs, a yellow lab (Louie: huge dog, not the brightest bulb, happy-go-lucky, baby) and a black lab/chow mix (Molly: way way way too smart for her own good, conniving, strong willed, protector). They are perfect together. They are well trained, well behaved dogs who would never hurt anyone. Well we got a call during vacation from the boys watching them, saying that they escaped from the kennel and the black one was growling. The thing about them is, they HATE when we leave. They cry and cry and pout when they see the suitcases.. Well we just figured that they had just shaken the door open (which they had done before).. but when we arrived home we noticed that they had broken the chain link fence.. in three places. How? I have no clue. Well my brother and I patched it up, but when I got home from work tonight, exhausted and smelly, they were waiting for me outside. I was mad. I was going to yell. They know.. they KNOW that they aren't supposed to break the kennel. I was going to yell at them and send them to bed. But when I got out of my car, they slowly walked up to me and had their tails between their legs. I didn't say a word, just walked to the house. I opened the front door and walked in. I turned around, expecting them to shove past me like they always do, but they just stood there, knowing they probably didn't deserve to come in the house. "come on." I quietly motioned them to come inside, and their eyes LIT up. Louie wouldn't leave my side. Thirty minutes later, he still couldn't sleep because his tail was wagging so hard. How could I be mad at them? It was hot, and the fence was already broken. Can I blame them for crawling out of the kennel to find shade? They didn't hurt anyone, they didn't run away, they just left the kennel. How many times to we freak out about small stuff? Small stuff that goes wrong, or what other people do to us, or what we do to ourselves? Let it go. Not only did I not have to carry the burden of anger, but I got to enjoy watching someone I love very much be so happy.
Another lesson along the same lines was learned today. One of my good friends had a facebook status mentioning how people have the same reaction between a death and a birth. I was utterly confused, but I know that there must be a meaning behind this status. I asked her to explain, and she told me that she's been watching the reactions of people to the death of Amy Winehouse. Then she compared that with the reaction of when someone has a baby. The said reaction - in her words: "Oh, (insert name) died/had a baby?! Oh....weird." "Didn't see that coming" "No way! When did that happen?"
How true is that? How OPPOSITE are life and death? Why do we just shrug a shoulder? How emotionless can we be?
I guess I just had a few lessons on emotions. I learned to shrug off the little stuff and enjoy life, and I learned to treasure life, because it's short, fragile, and beautiful. So look at your life, if you will. Yes, YOU, if you're still reading this. Are you wasting all your emotions on the dumb little stuff, and having nothing left to enjoy life? Well, if you are, I challenge you to make a few small changes, even if it starts with not yelling at your dog. (:

May 13, 2011 "Will You Teach Me?"

So, I’m never much into band or chorus. Tonight was our spring concert, which marked the last time I would ever sing in chorus or play in band. Exciting? Nah, not really.
Well, our girls’ chorus sang two songs. One of which I loved, one of which I hated. Well, obviously, I’m not the only one that hated it. Our sound was pretty flat and unemotional. Our teacher stopped us and asked us to think about the words we were singing. We kind of walked through the lyrics and I realized just how beautiful the song was.
The name of the song is “Will You Teach Me?” The song talks about things you need to learn in life to succeed, especially as women. Though a few of the lines are cut out, this is the song. I hope it touches you.
Will you teach me how to sail through space upon a comet’s tail ?
Will you teach me how to fly; to sail the skies on wings untried?
Will you teach me hoe to soar; to see things never seen before?
But most importantly of all,
Will you teach me how to fall ?
Will you teach me how to cry, to release those feelings deep inside.
Will you teach me how to laugh, and travel off the beaten path ?
Will you teach me how to love, love with love that comes from God above?
Will you teach me how to sing; how to sing through all the sorrows life may bring?
Will you teach me how to dream; to face the future sight unseen?
Will you teach me how to be the only thing I can be? Me.

May 10, 2011 "Graduation."

Graduation. Bittersweet. Ending. Beginning. Lost. Gained.So many emotions can fill in one day. I will be graduating high school this Saturday. I am not sure how to feel. For four years, I have been longing … ITCHING for the day I grab my diploma and leave this town under my squealing tires. But as the day approaches, I begin to see all the things I will miss. I will miss my family, no matter how much I complain about them. I will miss the teachers that cut me slack and care about me as a person. I will miss the stupid boys in my class and their carefree attitude and how many time they make me laugh every day. I will miss the girls in my class, how they understand who I am and can appreciate my humor and personality. I will miss my church and TEC family and the support and love they have given me through the years. I will miss my dogs, how they brighten every day and can understand my feelings better than I can some days. I will miss my bed, my own room, my posters, my closet, my driveway, my garage, my decorations, my computer, my tv, my bathroom; If you know me at all, you know that I complain about this house a lot, but I want to take it all back. I love this house. It’s the longest I’ve lived in one place in a while, and it has become home. It breaks my heart to have to pack up and leave again. When I come to visit on weekends and vacations, it will not be to a home, it will be to a house. I will miss my community, who has supported my acting and has been great to this school for years.
This Saturday, May 14, I will no longer be a high school student. I will be well on my way to adulthood. Describe Graduation in one word.
Graduation. Bittersweet. Ending. Beginning. Lost. Gained.